Clinical Trials Search Tool

A trial of oral Semaglutide in patients with early Alzheimer’s Disease who also exhibit MRI evidence of cerebrovascular disease (EVOKE PLUS)

Disease/Condition: Alzheimer’s disease

Location: Portland

Ages: 55-65

Enrollment Opens: 01-31-2022

Enrollment Closes: TBD


This is a clinical trial looking at the efficacy and safety of oral Semaglutide (GLP-1 agonist) versus placebo on the change in cognition and function in patients with MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) or mild dementia, WITH corresponding evidence of cerebrovascular disease or “Mixed Dementia”

Study ID: NovoNordisk NN6536-4725

To Enroll: Please call (503) 228-2273 (CARE) to schedule free memory lost testing and evaluation. Or contact for additional informaton.

Posted by: Summit Headlands LLC |